Body Mind Spirit Soul
In this issue:
Shake Up Wake Up Align Balance Truth
Lunar New Year Toltec Mitote Ceremony to Release Fear Raise our Vibrations
Are You Ready for Reiki 1 in February?
Reiki 2 Advanced Energy & Remote Healing5 weeknights 2/27- 3/26
List of classes 2024. Two Retreats this summer
Channeling and Automatic Writing 3/16/2024
The Protected Healer-Seeker April 21
Shake Up Wake Up Align Balance Truth

Dear Friends,
This weekend we are at mid-winter. 
With all planets direct we may be thinking we are having a free ride.
Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto and more are making upsets.
When planets square one another I say, squares knock us off the chair.
Squares are the shake up and wake up actions that awaken new perspectives.
Having 21 planetary squares in my natal chart, I am used to continual challenge and change since birth.
Change is what we need in so many areas of life around the world.
Taking action and responsibility is imperative to realign to the best for all and move out of the direction many countries and our county is going in that is taking us back and not forward in humanitarian and earth caring realities.
Looking at us individually it is important for us to tap into the Aquarian energy of the Sun and stand up for ourselves and one another.
Being willing to change is something that awakens all of us.
I always wonder when people say they do not want to deal with change, where does fear come from?
Change is normal, growth is normal, evolution of mind and body are normal.
Aligning with the best possibilities helps us maximize what we can experience during times of major changes and minor ones.
Holding on to "How it is supposed to Be." Creates a false reality and causes suffering, pain, and being stuck in the areas of our lives where we resist change.
Having love and compassion for us and all raises us up to look for more than is being shown and spoken about in the media.
My father quoted Benjamin Franklin when he told me, "Believe nothing you hear, and half of what you see."
Dad taught me about the illusions that were running the world over 60 years ago. With today's technology, it is worse than ever.
Learning to trust our own perceptions and inner wisdom will keep us safe and sane. 
In the past two weeks I have experienced more scams than ever coming out of people through emails, phone, and personal experiences.
If I was not alert and willing to be protective and caring and wise I could be out a lot of money and compromised in many arenas.
We don't want to believe that people, companies, governments, medicine, and more are hurting us purposefully. Yet, we must learn to discern and trust ourselves.
Instead of judging and blaming, put up boundaries, and be careful every day.
The truth will set you free, like it or not.
Stay positive loving and kind, and be wise in all of the changes you make.
Look for how changes can make life better and redirect you to new places that you had no idea would work for you.
As always, have fun with life's adventures.
Love you, love all.
Have a great week! February awaits.
Thank You for being here.
Blessings and Always in Love,
Janet StraightArrow
Be The Medicine, Live the Power of You!
Email Me 973-647-2500  Website
Be The Medicine is a process designed to help you live your "Medicine," your "true self," and live purposefully in everyday life. Enjoy your Journey, and call me for guidance and support, as that is the greatest gift I love to offer.
I am paying attention to what my clients are asking for and creating new programs and offerings. Stay tuned in these newsletters and on our website. Some details below.
Lunar New Year Toltec Mitote Ceremony to Release Fear Raise our Vibrations
How do we live the Four Agreements and more?
We still have a few spots for this event.
Join us on Saturday, February 10, into Sunday, February 11, 2018, from 2 PM TO 10 AM. This group experience is powerful and life-changing, resetting you on a solid path for yourself.  
The Lunar new Year is a perfect energy to activate our healing and awakening.
We release the old and bring in the new with renewed awareness, intention, and silence. This high-energy, sacred Ancient practice adapted to today includes lucid dreaming, chanting, and meditation in this overnight Retreat Ceremony and Celebration.
You will have time to sleep and dream during this overnight ceremony. Allow Sunday to integrate and relax into your new self.
It is a perfect opportunity for leaders, teachers, therapists, healers, and seekers, and those who help others, to receive a deep spiritual experience offering transformation, awakening, and healing.
Enjoy this profound experience. (from the Don Miguel Ruiz Tradition.) 
Janet has experienced this ceremony in sacred places with one of Don Miguel’s first apprentices, Dona Bernadette, in Mexico, Peru, and New Mexico. 
Janet has been called to continue this tradition in Ceremonies in overnight retreats in various locations in New England, New Jersey, and New York State since 2002.
Prepaid discount and limited to 12 participants. Details in this website link.
Are You Ready for Reiki 1 in February?
This class focuses on Self Healing, Spiritual Growth, and Healing people and animals.
Learn this hands-on art for Healers and everyone Ready to Heal Themselves and others. This is the beginning of a beautiful journey.
Energy medicine is a natural ability we all have as humans. In this course, you receive initiations into the healing energy and learn how to work with it in your everyday life for yourself and others.
This practical, comprehensive course offers personal healing and energy work teachings in addition to Reiki attunements, meditations, and practice, with everyone receiving an entire healing session: Usui Reiki 1 Certificate, Reiki 1 book, and class recordings are included.
Learn and be confident in your ability in energy healing, spiritual awakening-growth, working with spiritual guidance, clearing, and protecting yourself from taking on energy from others or the environment.
PERSONAL. Reiki empowers your healing abilities. Reiki is used to speed up healing, relieve pain, aid sleep, reduce stress, improve circulation, aid digestion, increase energy and stamina, balance the body, clear negativity, heighten psychic abilities, aid connection to your higher power, and much more! Healing can occur on all levels- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
You will learn how to help heal yourself and others in your life. You are also trained to begin to work with clients if you choose to work professionally. Reiki is a perfect professional enhancement for massage therapists, medical, dental, and veterinary practitioners, ministers, psychologists, and all who reach out to help people and animals heal. So please come ready to learn and enjoy!
Reiki 2 Advanced Energy & Remote Healing
5 weeknights 2/27- 3/26
Be The Medicine Logo for a Website BannerFor graduates of Reiki 1, any school or teacher. Sign Up Today.
Join us and enjoy a magical blend of Reiki attunements, teachings, and practice for self-healing and healing others to assist you in building your immunity, staying well and energized, and learning to send healing energy to someone in the next room or across the world. Daily practices for healing self and others.
Five nights on Zoom or in person in Chester, NJ. For people new to Reiki 2, energy healing and advanced teachings and practice, and for those who have taken Reiki 2 before and desire more training and practice. Everyone receives deep personal healing throughout this course.
I love teaching this class over time as we practice on one another and other people in between classes, developing confidence and skills. We have the time and space to become healers in a real sense and work with this amazing gift in everyday life.
This exciting course offers practical healing and energy work teachings in addition to Reiki attunements, meditations, and distance practice, with each student receiving several full healing sessions.
Learn to Heal yourself and others with this Ancient practice, which is also used in hospitals and medical practices. Janet has been teaching Reiki since 1996 and brings incredible experience, energy, and information to all who attend this class.
Reiki empowers your healing abilities. Reiki speeds up healing, relieves pain and stress, aids sleep, improves circulation and digestion, and increases energy and stamina. Reiki also creates balance in the body, clears negativity, heightens psychic abilities, aids connection to your higher power, and much more! Healing can occur on all levels- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Complete Details on website linked here.
List of classes 2024. Two Retreats this summer
Small groups, personalized attention, high energy, transformation, mastery teachings, bliss, peaceful, loving, deep awakening, healing, and becoming you!
Shamanic Toltec Mitote overnight Retreat February 10-11
Reiki 1 Class reach out - students to complete before 2/27.
Reiki 2 Energy Medicine Training and Remote Healing. Feb 27-March 26
Channeling and Automatic Writing, March 16 Foundation
NEW Adanced Healing and Mentoring Program-current students
NEW Learn to walk your spiritual journey new students.
NEW Quiet Your Mind-Meditate and Awaken Spiritual Gifts
Reiki 1 Self Healing, Advanced Energy Medicine Understanding, Begin to work on others. May 4-5
Ongoing Soul Shamanism Training and Practice every other Wednesday night on Zoom all year.
Advanced Levels of Soul Shamanism and another 101 level to be scheduled Later.
Advanced Healer Seeker Mentorship Program being developed.
Treasure Yourself Woman's Shamanic Retreat June 28-30.
Shamanic Vision Quest Retreat for Healers and Advanced Seekers July 26-28. Check out Events on the website for more details.
Channeling and Automatic Writing 3/16/2024

Join Janet as she creates a high-energy container and opens you to a path of awareness to receive abundantly.
We experience various meditations, journeys, and automatic writing segments throughout the class.
Discover how to tap into your wisdom and creativity concerning your life, health, daily life, soul purpose, and more.
Develop confidence and comfort in knowing what you know and connecting to your higher self and spiritual guidance to download more information.
Learn to receive more complete messages about what is true for us consciously and unconsciously as we bring it all out in our automatic writing practice.
Experience new ways to break through any fears and blocks and allow profound, accurate messages that move you forward in every way.
Janet also teaches you to work with more profound questions to receive complete answers. This class allows you to go deeper with Soul Shamanism, Reiki, and other healing and spiritual practices.
*This class creates a powerful practice and more profound connections to work with on your continued journey. As we awaken more levels of our perception, we raise our consciousness and participate fully in life.
*No matter your profession, this course will help you be more open, present, and aware on many levels to be successful in your life, work, and relationships.
*Receive information, energy, and excellent new practices to deepen your connections. Receive flowing messages, and record them easily.
*This class is an excellent opportunity for you to awaken your spiritual connections and gifts and write with greater flow with your blogs, books, other writing projects, and personal marketing. Allow integration and continued practice after this one-day class for the best results.
Janet has been a writer and a Shaman for over three decades, accessing inner wisdom and channeled information. She has studied with top writers and masters in many traditions, from Astrology to Zen.
You will have a recording of the class to listen to, go deeper, and enjoy the meditations and practices repeatedly. 
$325. Class size is limited to 12. Prepay by 3/10 or ASAP to insure you are in this class.  Sign Up details and testimonial
The Protected Healer-Seeker April 21
These are powerful and essential teachings for healers and everyone. 
As a practicing Shaman, Reiki Master, Healer, and Teacher for three decades, developing a body of work called “Be The Medicine,” I have been studying the fine points of working with energy and how we are all affected on many levels and dimensions.
You learn practical and profound teachings, tools, and practices with wisdom and understanding of how subtle and quickly we are affected by energy from multiple sources, primarily unknown by healers and others.
We have so much more to understand about the basics of energy and how to clear and stay clear of all we live with and are exposed to with people and environments.
Healers and those who support others are most vulnerable to taking on energy.
Some of our sickness, pain, sadness, tiredness, fear, confusion, and anxiety are not ours and can be removed immediately. Accepting these symptoms without moving and eliminating them can deepen our disease and mental health conditions.
No Fear. No Blame. No Judgment or Doubt.
Instead, we gain awareness, wisdom, and knowledge and learn how easy it is to take action that keeps us safe, well, and able to help others.
Join us on Zoom or in person for this advanced energy awareness, protection, and clearing class. Complete details on this website Link

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