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 Art by Allister Gainey 
Hi ,
The Slithy Tove is just waiting for me for me to look at the creative work of others to launch a visceral, mental, and emotional assault called toxic comparison. My defense?  
1. Affirm that I'm human. We humans compare ourselves to others. It's a normal part of what we do, we are a part of a tribe of comparers.  Somehow normalizing this behavior can neutralize it rather than let it derail me.
2. Free myself from the assault by saying, "So what!" I'm on my own journey, I'll do my own thing. When I say that, the Slithy Tove gets his nose all twisted up and he goes back to the wabe with the borogoves.
Sometimes I like what I write ... and wonder if I'm the only one.
And then, on a good day I think,"So what, at least one person will like it" and I read it and enjoy it again. 
Sometimes resistance about doing anything holds me captive in inertia, frustration, and self-loathing.
I get out of it, yes, by saying, "So what, I feel resistant, I'll take a 30 second step anyway ... and then maybe a bath." It works. I usually stay longer for 30 seconds, but I also usually take a bath. The resistance is foiled with a small step.
"So what, I'll do it anyway," has been my Get out of Jail Card for about 30 years.  The jail is of my own making: comparison, fears, resistance, and the endless loop of self-torment which feels like an incarceration of sorts.
Freedom is possible with empowered self-talk, going so fast the demons can't keep up with me, and getting into a flow of fun where accidental masterpieces are not uncommon. That's the intention of my workshops and the Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training: To unlock your cell block so you can run around in the creative meadow of wild abandon again.
Four upcoming workshops to choose from for creative liberation. 
The next one:
Finding Inspiration on Wednesday, May 17 noon pacific/3 eastern... click here.
Georgia on My Mind and Creative Prompts 

Georgia On My Mind
To hear it read with music behind it, beam yourself to this link 
Imagine creating something. Maybe it’s something you’ve already created or maybe it’s completing something you’re about to create.
Think of how it feels to have created something and now have the desire to share it with the world.
Then, let the painter, Georgia O’Keeffe be on your mind, specifically this thought from her:  "I have already settled it for myself so praise and criticism go down the same drain and I am quite free."
What would it feel like to think and believe this thought. It would be like thinking, "I am confident about both liking and not liking what I’ve done… 
so your opinion about it doesn’t matter and ... I am quite free."
What would it feel like … to be quite free?
Clouds: Georgia O'Keeffe
Writing Prompt: 
Find something you've written, anything from a poem to a shopping list. And add something or edit it in a way that you think only you would like.  You may need to go through a little doubt and awkwardness... that's okay. Notice any freedom you feel by being true to yourself. Let go of any need to be anything but "close enough."
Art Prompt:
Reference the Georgia O'Keefe's painting, Clouds ^.  Make your own cloud drawing/painting, and ask yourself: What would it be like, not to care what anyone thinks  (including and especially yourself, if you're overly critical)? Experiment with different shapes, tools, non-dominant hand, upside down, blind drawings, with birds, angels, and paper airplanes, and without.  Or arrange some cotton balls and take a photo. 
Some Creative Things You Can Do
Wild Abandon Workshop: Finding Inspiration: Wednesday, May 17

How do you know where to begin? Where can you find fresh ideas? How do you narrow ideas down when you have too many? Next Wild Abandon workshop:  Free for Underground Members, $35 for civilians, and $15 for KMC3 members.  Come with a PDF to keep you going after the workshop.
Wild Abandon at Omega Institute of Holistic Sciences
Mark your calendars for the first week in October 1-6, 2023. A week of immersing ourselves in writing, art, photography, and good times.   Register here
The Muse in Winter: Writing and Art Retreat in Taos New Mexico
This year the workshops, art, improv, even the entertainment will be all geared toward writing. We will explore and celebrate creative writing and make art for writers in enchanting Taos. If you're an artist, consider the creative boost giving your art a story will provide and the words that will come from making and viewing art. Designed for all levels from intimidated beginner to seasoned pro wanting new ideas in a magical setting (with really good food)! Comes with a Muse In Winter booklet and lots of goodies. Payment plans available. Taos link is here. 
Art Walk and Creativity on the Italian Riviera
October 14-20, 2024 Plenty of time to save up for gelato!
I'll be providing the creative part of a tour to the Italian Riviera. Here's the link to sign-up      For all levels from beginners to travel-hungry pros.
For monthly Zoom Creativity Workshop and Wild Abandon art and writing prompts weekly  and a secret FB page (optional)  for only $17 .. soon to increase in cost .  Check that here.
  From Jill Badonsky 
  • Author/illustrator of three books on creativity
  • Creator and Teacher of KMCC
  • Certified Yoga/Mindfulness Instructor 
  • Multi-media artist, performance poet, and playwright
  • Award winning inspirational goof-ball and author.
  • Dispenser of thousands of weird creativity prompts including on Facebook
  • Highly sensitive person surviving in a kind of insensitive world.
  • Corporate Dropout 
  • Yours Truly

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