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Mary Aranas Yoga
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May 2021 * Mary Yoga ENews * Issue #185
May Your Heart Be Light
May you be safe
May you be healthy
May you be happy
May your heart be light
LovingKindness, Metta Meditation, takes a blessing of your choice (the above is one of my favorites) to four expanding circles of recipients: the Self, the Beloved, the Stranger, the Enemy.
In class when I guide this, I often invite us to repeat the Self blessing layer, as it is not only the foundational layer, but often the hardest to receive, and rivals the 4th step as the hardest blessing to offer.
What if, right now, you lie or sit right where you are, place your hands on your torso, and gently say to yourself the above or any loving-kindness prayer you would want to give the world, but to yourself?
May I be safe. May I be healthy. May I be happy. May my heart be light.
Repeat this, as many times as you feel you still have softening to do, to let it in. Treat this as a spring gardening softening of the soil in your heart's garden. Allow a fresh spring garden to arise. Move into spring, this Memorial Day May weekend.
Weekly classes at Pure Yoga West, and at various Equinox clubs in New York City continue. Adjustments in my class dates, times and styles will always be updated on my website:
Peek there anytime for updates in weekly studio, gym, and Zoom classes, as well as for upcoming special events such as teacher trainings, retreats, and festivals.
And, my most consistent voice or radio broadcast to you, if you are reading this, is still this monthly ENewsletter that I have sent out, like a bottle onto ocean waves, since 2006, my 4th year of full-time yoga teaching.
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Revel in the evolution of your learning & growth!
Om Shanti Peace and Expansion! ~ Mary
In this issue:
May Your Heart Be Light
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Compassion Course
Compassion Course
I'm excited to soon be matriculating my "Class of 2020" practice group that have lived 52 weeks and 26 Wednesday evening sessions with me as Compassion Course 2020 ends in June.
Our final June session will practice week #52, and then celebrate!
The very next week, my 2021 Wed Practice Group begins. Join the exciting worldwide movement of empathic communication with ourselves and with others on this affordable, structured, progressive weekly email course!
Register for CCO 2021 by June 22, it starts June 23. Then, register for my Wed 7-9PM ET practice group, here.
We meet on June 30 and every other Wednesday evening after. Come when you can; there are recordings when you must miss, or must leave early.

Enjoy yourself a part of this community of life students that have your back, and you theirs, all year 'round.
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