Astro Forecast
Astral Awareness & Insight by Gaia
Scorpio Lunar eclipse, Mercury retrograde
and Gemini New Moon: Planetary Entanglements 
The energy of the Scorpio lunar eclipse and Full Moon of May 15th invites confrontation with all that it's hidden within the depth of our personal and collective dimensions. Just as scorpions live under the sand or among decaying wood, this eclipse might bring to our consciousness what lies in the shadow that we resist talking about but is nevertheless alive within us. The keywords are process and regeneration.
Entangled in this eclipse at 26 degrees of Scorpio are the Mercury retrograde cycle, with Mercury stationing direct on June 3rd at 26 degrees of Taurus, and Saturn stationing retrograde at 25 degrees of Aquarius on June 4th.  This complex planetary dance in the fixed signess surely affects those with planets and points at those degrees more. Still, overall, it suggests a period of dynamic challenges and confrontations that can lead us to growth in awareness, patience while sorting what is truly valuable and important to us all.
With its sting, Scorpio pierces the veil of our illusions and our beliefs, with surgical precision and invites us to expand our consciousness, shaking us up with the intensity of the unchangeable cycle of life and death that this sign represents. Notice the aspects of us that have internalized judgment, shame, or might feel envy, power-driven, or vengeful. The more they are hidden, the more they fester inside our bodies. Once held in the warm embrace of a compassionate and non-judgmental space, they transform and transmute or lose that poisonous charge.
In the northern hemisphere, Scorpio's time is in the fall season, when the slow process of nature rest and decay begins, with pomegranate, the fruit dear to Hades, god of the underworld. Likewise, these weeks' energies facilitate personal and collective insights and the realization that aspects of lives and relationships have lost any value or can be seen with new, refreshed eyes. The red lunar eclipse symbolizes the intensity of our emotions that arise impetuous, almost disturbing: Scorpio likes to get to the bottom of things, turmoil is created so that the status quo changes and renewal is set forward. You may remember to invite your body to slow down and pause, for Scorpio themes, such as money, relationships, power, control, and passions, are light rods and triggers our bodies. Grounding and breathing practices will help nourish a calm, regulated state that helps us relate to our fellow humans and more than humans in a compassionate, straightforward, and kind way.
The dance with Mercury retrograde and Saturn soon to turn retrograde at the beginning of June suggests a time where words (Mercury) carry poignant meanings (Saturn). Mercury's presiding over communication, comments, exchanges of messages or things, contracts, siblings, and friends is retracing its steps, triggering the eclipse point, and almost encountering Saturn (45 seconds away). Saturnian proverbial patience might be called for,  as well as learning to listen attentively and communicate in a conscious way,  with attention to the meanings of our words and non-verbal language. This t-square offers challenges as well as opportunities for growth: it's a dynamic energy that catalyzes changes, especially in values and what we deem worth (Scorpio and Taurus axis.)
The time is also suitable for reflecting and re-reading, reviewing, and reorganizing aspects of our past or reaching back to old friends that might also come back into our lives. Again, this time facilitates renewed awareness of the value and meaning of our relationships and our capacity to communicate and reflect on ourselves.
Scorpios Sting
Scorpios sting is well known for the efficacy of its precision when it stung Orion, the hunter full of hubris, our contemporary "inflated ego." It's also known for its instinctual vengeance. An ancient tale symbolizing our very human projection tells the story of a scorpion and a frog. The scorpion asked a frog to carry them on their back across the river. The frog initially refused, afraid of the scorpion. But the scorpion promised not to hurt, and the frog carried the scorpion crossing the river. Suddenly, the frog felt the pain of the sting and desperately asked: "why did you sting me? We are both going to die now." And scorpion answered: "I could not resist."
We might pause here and notice what arises within us, in our bodies and psyches, as memories might return, or indignation might occur, or whatever might be. This tale shows the "shadow" aspect of this sign; it represents our human capacity to sting and harm even if our actions or words end up hurting others and ourselves.
When strong in a chart or in a planetary configuration such as the current one, Scorpio's energy suggests the emerging of this shadow aspect in our collective and personal lives, when vengefulness takes over, drowning us. As Mercury will linger at the eclipse degrees (May 29th to June 9th), we might all remember how such a sting can appear in our lives and how pausing and slowing down can help avoid this.
Scorpios Phoenix Rising and Gemini new Moon
Equally powerful is the Scorpio symbolism of the phoenix, burning into ashes to be reborn anew. Walking back on our past with such depths of reflection and an open and humble attitude facilitate our learning process and burn through those old dead patterns and belief with surgical precision while feeding new behaviors and beliefs. Scorpio's familiarity with the turmoil and dark side of life, the emphatic awareness of this shared soil, and truly assist in clarifying the clutter in our lives, the losses to be grieved, the deadness, and transforming this compost into pure energy and warmth.
This warm fire can propel us forward, helped by the courageous and bold Mars and Jupiter conjunction in fiery Aries exact at the new Moon in Gemini on May 30th.
The new Moon ruled by the Mercury retrograde is likely to favor insights of all things Gemini, mainly arising from the past: friends and siblings, neighbors and local traveling returning and revisiting places and events of the past, learning and expanding our knowledge. As explained above, this "revisitation process" can lead to significant insights into our histories. We might wonder: what has turned into nourishing fertilizer? What is showing up as ready to be discarded and composted away? How to move forward? Gemini's lightness and curiosity might be more grounded, thoughtful, and precise facilitating days of deep thinking and realizations. All while the fiery Aries Mars and Jupiter will constellate confidence and courage to step forward into a new direction, especially after June 5th
Thank you for reading this astro-report which reflects the current, general astrological weather. For personal guidance and insights, book your astrological consultation at
Gaia (she/her) holds a master degree in Holistic counseling psychology from John F. Kennedy University and a master degree in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. She practices as a professional astrologer and as a Marriage & Family therapist trainee embracing a holistic and compassionate approach to healing.
Moon pictures by Gaia
About Gaia:
Gaia Somasca is a professional astrologer in private practice and therapist-in-training with a deep interest in psychological and humanistic astrology.
Her rich background includes extensive astrological studies in astrology in NY and London, Jungian psychology, dreamwork, focusing, mindfulness, eco-psychology, and nature-bonding practices. 
In 2014 she completed the Master Degree in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales, and she has achieved Level 3 certification with NCGR. (National Council for Geocosmic Research)
She offers astrological consultations in person in the Santa Cruz Mountains, or via Skype. With her holistic approach to astrology, she provides guidance inspired by the rich symbolism and wisdom of the sky and nature aimed at self-understanding and personal growth.
Gaia is also a photographer exclusively focused on sharing the beauty of Moonrises and Moonsets.
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