Astro Forecast
Astral Awareness & Insight by Gaia
Envisioning sparkles of Future: 
Aquarius Full Moon of August 3rd
Like solid wood panels used to build a garden bed to protect and contain the soil and plants, this Cancer New Moon (7/21) constellated a similarly pragmatic and stern approach. A serious attitude, deepened by intense pressure and careful considerations, colored the nurturing and emotional nature of this sign symbolized by the crab. As the unusual second new Moon in Cancer this year, and as the first lunation after the eclipses, this New Moon called for renewed resilience and introspection.
The Sun and Moon met at 28 degrees, staring at the massive sinkhole that the ongoing Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter conjunction has symbolically opened up into the ground under our feet. The pressure to restart and rebuild as if all had returned to normal, simply does not adequately consider the shifts happening, as symbolized by this powerful trio of Gods.  How could one consider rebuilding when our homes might be slipping down this hole that has opened on the land and in our hearts? How to keep on "going," when so much uncertainty and loss fill the lives of many?  This sinkhole symbolizes the sudden halting of life as we knew it.  Our habits, our way of relating to one another, jobs, dreams, security have, to some degree, vanished, and dragged down into the world below.  To "adapt" to the changing circumstances, to live in the uncertainty, and honor the losses, feels the task at hand. While we are grieving what once was (Saturn-Pluto), we still can dream and imagine the yet to come. What will we fill the sinkhole with?
Cancer speaks of the rich symbolism of home, nurturance, family ties, our roots, our land, and our emotions woven in memories of the past. How do we feel at home in our bodies and within ourselves? This last new Moon might have motivated some into deep self-exploration and realizations, unearthing deep needs that at times of such unraveling come screaming at our inner ears, begging to be listened to. How can we become aware of the multitude of interdependent homes that live within ourselves? Our internal conflicts, our needs, wilderness, creativity, sensual and sexual needs, our fighters and anger, dwell energetically inside of us, just like the planets dwell in the infinite universe. This new moon cycle has invited us to connect with them and find nourishment within ourselves.  This journey is one that requires self-compassion, care, and connection.  For many victims of abuse, violence, neglect, systemic oppression, and trauma, these times are incredibly challenging, for their home has never been that safe, to begin with.
Cancer as "feeling at home" symbolizes having a nest, a house, a safe,  and warm protection, like the crab hides under a rock when waves come. Since the eclipse cycle in 2017 began in Cancer and Capricorn, our houses and families have undergone great scrutiny and change. This new Moon might have marked a time of tension. Perhaps we have realized that new boundaries need to be negotiated, or walls need to be torn down to expand who we call "you are like family to me."
Cancer symbolizes history and homeland. The "sinkhole" is swallowing the old accounts of history as in the collective new accounts emerge on how oppressive practices and genocide have deprived countless indigenous populations of their homelands.  More and more, we`ll come to terms with the recognition of abuses and injustices at the hand of those in power and at the expense of those discriminated by race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and ableism. How are we all looking within ourselves and come to terms with our own understanding of history?
To envision the future, to rebuild in new ways, to experience chaos and unrest that leads to awakening is the energy constellated at this upcoming Full Moon. How do we envision filling the sinkhole? How do we bear witness to the loss and continue our journey through life, each one of us a star into the infinite earthy sky? 
The serious, sober, pressuring energy of the new Moon,  shifts towards a revolutionary, rather explosive, possibly erratic,  but highly energizing  Full Moon in Aquarius. On August 3rd, the Moon will face the Sun in mighty and fiery Leo, both at odds with Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, maverick, and oddball of the zodiac. If it was music, the new Moon rhythm was a sobering tone, inviting stillness and presence, a type of music that we might know and are familiar with. But this Full Moon's music is a wild dance, a new style barely heard before, a melting pot where each instrument and musician serves the collective expression of freedom. 
 Recognize your tribe (Aquarius), friends, people who resonate with you, and then stretch that circle. The time is apt to stretch our consciousness, to gently take on the Uranian spirit that invites us to try, one more time,  embracing a bit of a revolutionary spirit. While these have been incredibly difficult, we all might want, to the degree that feels comfortable and not emotionally overwhelming, simply trying something new, or considering new ideas and new perspectives.
Einstein wrote that "we can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." His suggestion is an apt one at this time, to experiment, explore, expand…new experiences might lead to new inner states, new friendships, new fun.
This Full Moon may loosen our sense of limitations and allow us to listen to our inner voices, to those galaxies within that from remote places come to our view. They invite us to embrace what we never said, never thought possible, dismantling the barriers and inner fortresses that protect and possibly limit us.  We might ask, what is blooming around my awareness of my self in relationship to others? How can I bring light to my internalized oppression so that I can begin to grow new ways of being?
This Uranian vibe might linger in the air for a while as Uranus is approaching the retrograde station on August 15th. For those with planets and points between 6 and 13 degrees of  Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius degrees, the energy of this Full Moon truly calls for greater flexibility.
Uranus symbolizes expansion and evolution of consciousness, its potential for change is as infinite as is the starry sky. Those who are more attuned to this energy are often non-conformist and isolated. They see horizons too distant from our every earthly human sight. New ideas emerging at this time, might encounter some resistance. Because Mars in Aries will be in exact square to Pluto near the mid of the month (in the shadow of its retrograde, which will begin on September 8th), it's wise to be aware of our inner warrior and what motivates that part in us. Uranus symbolizes explosions, electricity, speed as fast as the internet. Mars Squaring Pluto suggests deep, profound power struggles that have personal and collective roots (Pluto). As Mars is the fighter, experiences of anger will be colored by deep resentments and a sense of injustice. Awareness of ourselves and of our actions will be even more necessary given the explosive quality of these days.
August 18th Leo New Moon: Feed the Fire in your Heart
After chaos and creativity, after knocking down some walls, comes a time of cleaning up the debris, burning the ashes of the past, digesting, and set new intentions.  The days before August 18th New Moon in Leo, when the Sun, Moon, and Mercury will meet at 26-27 degrees, are apt for eliciting the help of fire to burn and purify the past we are letting go of. This energy can also help us envision fire that warms our hearts with courage, strength, and creativity that can carry us forward.  Mars will be in a trine to the New Moon, and in a square to Saturn, while Saturn will be inconjunct to the New Moon. Leo creative and inspiring fiery energy invite self-expression, with child-like enthusiasm and wonder.  This will be balanced by the gravitas of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn. Symbolically, it feels like making a fire.  It will be one that is contained by a stove, one that soothes our hearts with warmth but might not fully dissolve the tension that supples the air.  We can dance wildly under the stars and enjoy the Sun on our skin, yet we can't ignore the sinkhole that might lie somewhere around us, and that might call for our attention.
The generous aspect of Leo invites us to set our intentions on that which we want to let shine like the Sun over the next month of September.
In releasing some aspect of the past, perhaps we might write, and
burn away the old, and embody fire, noticing in our bodies, how does it feel to be like the Sun? How the parts in us that feel oppressed and unseen can be made, felt beautiful, and loved? Which hidden part of myself needs to shine and express itself? Which part of myself, and who in my life needs warmth and love?  How can we share this love with others, both those we know and those we don't know?
As we navigate these challenging times, the invitation is to nourish our self-compassion, honor our courage, grief our losses, and perhaps envision sparkles of future. How will we fill this sinkhole that has opened in our lives? How will we live around its edges? Perhaps fresh rainwater will begin to fill it slowly, and new life will grow again.
Thank you for reading this astro-report. Please note that this is a general description of the upcoming and unfolding planetary weather.  To know more about yourself and the  ‘seasons’ you are experiencing and what is up for renewal in your own life, you are welcome to reach me at for a personal and more accurate astrological reading based on your natal chart, calculated with your time, place and date of birth. Couples readings are also available. 
Consider giving the gift of astrological insight! Gift certificates are available for astrological readings for your  loved ones. I offer 30 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 hour and 45 minutes for individuals, or couple readings. Happy to provide you with personalized gift certificates and answer your questions.
Please reach me at
Moon pictures by Gaia
About Gaia:
Gaia Somasca is a professional astrologer in private practice and therapist-in-training with a deep interest in psychological and humanistic astrology.
Her rich background includes extensive astrological studies in astrology in NY and London, Jungian psychology, dreamwork, focusing, mindfulness, eco-psychology, and nature-bonding practices. 
In 2014 she completed the Master Degree in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales, and she has achieved Level 3 certification with NCGR. (National Council for Geocosmic Research)
She offers astrological consultations in person in the Santa Cruz Mountains, or via Skype. With her holistic approach to astrology, she provides guidance inspired by the rich symbolism and wisdom of the sky and nature aimed at self-understanding and personal growth.
Gaia is also a photographer exclusively focused on sharing the beauty of Moonrises and Moonsets.
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