Astro Forecast
Astral Awareness & Insight by Gaia
June 5th Full Moon / Penumbral Eclipse at 15 Sagittarius
Onwards and Forward
The new Moon in Gemini of May 22nd blooms into a tens: e Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on June 5th. A fiery Moon will lit up Sagittarius, oppose the Sun in curious Gemini conjunct Venus retrograde, and challenge a spirited Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Such a dynamic aspect, during an eclipse and when Venus is not visible in the sky, depicts tension, outbursts of energy and excitement for emerging beliefs, and aggression. This planetary weather asks of us to flex and stretch our "consciousness muscles." We need to grow our capacity to deal with confusion, anger, injustice, at a time of such unraveling because of the pandemic. At the same time, we can harness the burning torch of hope, symbolized by the fiery sign of Sag as we keep our gaze towards the light of evolution.
The sign of Sagittarius is symbolized by the centaur, half-horse, and half-human, the archer, who is pointing an arrow, ready to shoot far in the distance. It is the journey made by the arrow, that drives this sign towards exploration, long-distance trips, profound studies of philosophies, foreign cultures, and religions that give meaning to life. For Sag, meaning-making is as crucial as the journey towards the next unattainable goal. Galloping forward is Sag oxygen. It symbolizes that quest to discover new roads towards learning and expanding our views and horizons. Never short of optimism, Sag expansive spirit can fall in the pit of the narrowness of their beliefs, which they hold to be the ultimate truth they might seek to impose. These and more themes dear to Sag and Gemini will be bursting into our lives and our collective consciousness. Both signs will be triggered by the first cycle of eclipses in these signs, which will continue for the next couple of years.
Eclipses periods, particularly when we have 3 such as this Summer, suggests that events suddenly unfolds, as if out of the blue, leaving us surprised and astonished. The two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, our lights, for they also symbolize the right and left eye, are eclipsed. The Greek word ekleipsis, literally means a "failing and forsaken." During eclipses, we are blind; our guiding Lights were said to have forsaken us, humans. Or as the Moon seems to be obscured and covered, so our eyes cannot "see" clearly.

Along with this uncertainty, we are grappling with a tight square involving Mars-Neptune. The outward combative energy of Mars, meet Neptune, God of the Oceans, which like a storm from far at sea, blows into Mars sails ready to battle all that it encounters. These powerful pair, ready to fight for the victims and the oppressed (Pisces), will be inflamed by the Full Moon. In such turmoil, the Gods offer us opportunities to transform our collective understanding of knowledge, philosophies, race and racism, beliefs, religions, and relationships with foreign countries and travels. In our own personal lives, this eclipse invites us to acknowledge our kinship, as symbolized by Gemini, and our differences, as symbolized by Sag, including our privileges, our beliefs. Expanding our horizons with humility and embracing the endless curiosity of Gemini where the North Node is located give us helpful indications towards dealing with these rough times.
This could also be an exciting Full Moon, one filled with inspired energy that allows access to the transpersonal realm, the dream time, or the field. This time lends itself to learning through reading, learning words of another language, social justice, or socializing with different cultures and harnessing the energy constellated by the planets for our own spiritual expansion.
Venus will still be retrograde, marking an important cycle for revisiting our values and love. From a relationship perspective, we are offered the opportunity to deeply reconsider who and what we love, as friends and lovers might come back from the past. From a financial perspective, as Venus rules values and money, the time is right to review and revise our expenses, bank accounts, bills, and subscriptions, and assess what is valuable to us.

June 18th Mercury Retrograde at 14 Cancer

Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, ruler of Gemini and Virgo, will turn retrograde on June 18th. Mercury begins his exploration on June 2nd when first passing 5 degrees of Cancer, and will return there near July 12th when he will then move forward again.

Mercury, Hermes for the Greeks, was known as the messenger of the Gods, protector, and guide for travelers, and short trips. He presided over trade, markets, and communication, for he was the only God allowed in the underworld, as well as in the realm of Humans and the Gods. He was also a trickster and protector of thieves. On occasions, Mercury would change the ancient indications on the road to confuse travelers. As changeable as quicksilver, Mercury was also the alchemical spirit that allowed for the transformation of lead into the philosophical stone.
I have come to imagine Mercury retrograde cycles as times when Mercury has some fun playing tricks on us. At best, these days are an invitation to return on our own steps and revise, re-do what we left behind, incomplete tasks, or what needs to be looked at again. The house in our chart containing Cancer will indicate where we might experience this. We might be able to straighten out misunderstanding and miss-communications, especially in a matter of expression of our feelings, or within our family or home, which are all symbolized by Cancer. At worse, Mercury is like a trickster, particularly as the eclipse of July 5th at 13 Capricorn, will oppose the degree of the station. Such constellation of planets suggests a time of missing information or misinformation. Not only our Lights are out, but the trickster is likely to be playing tricks. Messages might disappear, items get lost at home, mail might come late, or perhaps some will need to stay at home again. As we have gone through such a challenging year, it's hard to navigate more uncertainty. Still, it will be wise to avoid rash decisions if in doubt. We might instead learn a new language, new words to communicate our emotions, and sensations (Cancer). Or we might re-organize our homes given all that has happened since the last eclipse back in January. We'll also need to grow within ourselves our little garden of patience, and with whatever humor we might have left, find the opportunity to laugh with the trickster who teaches us flexibility.
As we live through a Springtime that is much of a Spring, as it is an unraveling Fall, I wish you to be safe, healthy and filled with Hope.
"Hope is a gift you don't have to surrender, a power you don't have to throw away. And though hope can be an act of defiance, defiance isn't enough reason to hope. But there are good reasons." (Rebecca Solnit)
Thank you for reading this Astro-report. Please note that this is a general description of the upcoming and unfolding planetary weather.  To know more about yourself and the 'seasons' you are experiencing and what is up for renewal in your own life, you are welcome to reach me at for a personal and more accurate astrological reading based on your natal chart, calculated with your time, place and date of birth. Couples' readings are also available. 
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Moon pictures by Gaia
About Gaia:
Gaia Somasca is a professional astrologer in private practice and therapist-in-training with a deep interest in psychological and humanistic astrology.
Her rich background includes extensive astrological studies in astrology in NY and London, Jungian psychology, dreamwork, focusing, mindfulness, eco-psychology, and nature-bonding practices. 
In 2014 she completed the Master Degree in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales, and she has achieved Level 3 certification with NCGR. (National Council for Geocosmic Research)
She offers astrological consultations in person in the Santa Cruz Mountains, or via Skype. With her holistic approach to astrology, she provides guidance inspired by the rich symbolism and wisdom of the sky and nature aimed at self-understanding and personal growth.
Gaia is also a photographer exclusively focused on sharing the beauty of Moonrises and Moonsets.
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