An Online Event
Reawaken the Seer, Dreamer and Stalker Within
with Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman
A Three Day - 2 Hour per day Workshop
Sunday, July 5th, 12th & 19th * 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm EST
“It is safe to assume we are standing in between the two worlds, a visible tangible world, and the other invisible world, which somehow has a peculiar quality of substantial, but very settled, sort of matter that is not obvious and is not visible that penetrates bodies and apparently exist outside of time and space” C.J. Jung
Toltec Knowledge teaches us to recognize our inner awareness as Art of Perception.
Are you looking for personal knowledge to open up you inner intuitive channels and reclaim power through dreamtime?
Are you holding on to emotions, traumas, ole memories that don’t allow you to move forward?
There are times in our life that movement and flow can shift all. Inspiration requires movement in our everyday life. The seer within can see through non-ordinary reality. As in dreamtime this special time is not used only for sleeping it is time to awaken and remember our dreams. In order to plant the seeds in this reality to allow the flower of dreams to blossom through the dream seeds that you plant now.
Let us walk the path of inner knowledge to discover new ways to open these doors of Perception. Limitless abilities in order to go beyond the realities of this world. Opening windows in which new techniques within dreamtime helps access to record, remember, change our dream through movement of intention, and build a relationship with our dreambody double.
We get to observe our old and daily repetitive patterns that warehouse old memories deep within ourselves. These cause disharmony and loss of power and leak energy. Do you choose to stay a victim and hide away and not confront the past that can also reflect what is happening in the present?
The Art of Stalking energy is used for self-empowerment. Opening up time for reflection and gives you a moments of recapitulation within your life which allows the movement to flow forward and towards freedom and self-liberation. Open the channels to record, remember, change and shift your old energies into your spiritual inner horizons working with the living moment.
An exploration of these techniques will be accompanied with meditations, shamanic journey and visual exercises.
To register or for Info contact us at
Cost: $177 for all 3 classes or $77.00 per class
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Shamanic Fire Reiki Soul Haven  •  56 West 45th Street, Suite 1702  •  NY, New York 10036

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