Astro Forecast
Astral Awareness & Insight by Gaia
1/24/2020 Aquarius New Moon:
Groundbreaking visions for a better future.
 “A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.”
(Rosabeth Moss Kanter)
“Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley.”
(Theodore Roethke)
“The great tragedy in life is people who have sight but no vision.”
(Hellen Keller)
We made it through the stormy and unpredictable waters constellated during the eclipses, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and the last Uranus station at  0-2 degrees of Taurus. In different ways, we all might have experienced these archetypal energies that have constellated upheaval, massive changes like earthquakes that shook up the old, long-lasting foundations of our lives while offering unbridled opportunities to rebuild anew.  These times call for presence, for attending to our inner emotional responses,  for widening our consciousness and harnessing this powerful energy to lay new solid foundations for what is yet to come.  Like the passing of a powerful storm that has washed away the land, perhaps knocked some branches and trees down, filling the roads and the rivers with debris, the air is now brighter and crisp, the clouds are slowly dissipating. We are given the opportunity with the new Moon in early Aquarius to reflect and integrate our life changes, and create a new vision for ourselves that guide us forward towards a better future.
We draw inspiration by Hellen Keller, who overcame her blindness and deafness, and become an inspiring activist and educator. She reminds us that "vision" is more than merely seeing, for our inner vision and beliefs drive our actions. The etymology dictionary informs us that the word "vision" means” something seen in the imagination or in the supernatural.” It also refers to “presence, sight, view, looks, appearance, dream, supernatural sight.” Vision for a better future for ourselves and our fellow beings, humans and more-than-humans, inspire us and drive us to experiment, to create and uphold ideals, to search for new solutions and discoveries that might give us  a new story that equally benefits every being on the planet. At this time, we are at a critical juncture where we are asked to learn from what is unfolding in the world, from the changing political structures, from the catastrophic Australian fires and overall planetary destruction, and embrace new ideals that drive us to be better humans, embracing the true Aquarian spirit. Instability, disruptions, losses and joys, roadblocks, and crossroads invite us to clean the old roads from the debris, find new creative solutions where the old ways no longer exist, and gather new perspectives.
One that comes to mind is by “geologian” Thomas Berry, born with a Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Cancer and a Uranus-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius. He wrote that we need a new story, a new consciousness that respects the rights of every form of life as we enter a new era that he termed the Ecozoic. In this new era, the “Viable Human” will need to live in a mutual beneficial manner with all the other species, while shifting from a human-centered to an Earth-centered consciousness.
In our days, as we face these changes, we might draw inspiration from Uranus, ruler of the air sign of Aquarius in contemporary astrology.  Uranus means the starry heavens, and it is from this place, up high, that the God sees far in the distance, generating a new vision for a better future that puts the collective needs above the personal ones. Thinking in a detached way, is the gift of  Aquarius, always looking for new systems, new creations, new horizons that will improve the current condition.  From up there, though, small details disappear, and personal stories become irrelevant. This attitude reminds us that such visions need to be mediated by heart-consciousness, for the Aquarian mind may sound at times "out of touch" or "way out there."
At the same time, as Roethke reminds us, from the top of the mountain, from the height of a plane, from a bluff over the coast, we might see a path that we could not see before. Or we might see the rough edges of a way that we might have to carve for ourselves, holding the Aquarian spirit in mind,  that calls for renewal through occasional disruption and chaos. Keeping this in awareness, we might be able to engage with the need for freedom, space, out of the ordinary experiences, and awakenings that this new Aquarian Moon might constellate.
During January 17th and 18th Uranus, still vibrating after stationing direct on 1/10, is in a dynamic square with Mercury, while the Moon also enters in this hectic dance from Scorpio. The energy constellated offers opportunities for thinking out-of-the-box or for interactions that might surprise us but also awaken us, especially if all parties involved maintain an attitude of openness and flexibility. Quick changes of mind, unexpected opportunities are possible; short travels, the internet world, and communications systems might be affected by interruptions or breakdowns.  Overall, it might be useful to be open to that chaotic  Uranian energy and hold inner space for an entirely different understanding that breaks through into our horizons. This archetypal energy continues unfolding as the Sun enters Aquarius on 1/20 and comes to a square to Uranus, later joined by the Moon on the 24th as the two luminaries form an inspiring and unruly New Moon in Aquarius. 
While the days before the new Moon are apt to rest, reflect, and let go, the overall time might feel a continuous stream of new ideas entering our consciousness. The new Moon energy allows us to take perspective, to process the changes in our lives, to experiment and slowly embrace a new vision that carefully strikes a balance between our own well-being and that one of the whole earth community. It asks us, "how do we see ourselves in the world? What is our vision for a better future for all?"
Those with planets between 0 and 7 of the fixed signs (Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, and Taurus) might feel this new Moon more intensely.  It might feel like a jolt of electricity (ruled by Uranus), a power surcharge coming our way from outer space, suddenly bringing disruption while offering new knowledge and opening new paths. Aquarian values such as equality, the common good, and a thirst for improvement might constellate in our lives.  The challenge that might constellate is represented by the needs of the Moon, that values human needs for nourishment and bonding, which may conflict with Aquarius ideals, that as well-intended and benevolent as they might be, disrupt the habitual lunar dimension. Taken by this spirit of improvement, the Aquarian Moon can be overly detached and aloof. It's worth approaching this new Moon with an attitude of curiosity, openness, and flexibility so to avoid becoming excessively rigid.
We might also take this time to expand our knowledge in the areas of life where this lunation happens (if you know your houses in the chart look at where 4 degrees of Aquarius falls). Or we might notice what's more alive in our lives that might benefit from a fresh look, and explore this further.  Aquarius rulership of groups and society might present the opportunity to embrace associations that are meaningful to us,  where we might be offered inspiration and guidance, and to whom we can contribute for the betterment of our planet.
New Moon Ritual
What is your vision for the future? As we release the past and grief what and who has come to pass, we might take time to go to a higher place such as a mountain peak that offers perspective, or higher floor, a bluff, a hill, the edge of the coast, or sit on a table. Once settled in, we might take some time to get in touch with ourselves through meditation and contemplation. We might harness the opportunity to review our stories, our beliefs, as we make space for the changes and for the new seeds we want to plant. What is our vision for our future and the world? How are we contributing to making change possible? How is our vision aligned with our actions? Who are those that inspire us?
We might look around and take notice of patterns, differences, of what seeing from above offers to our bodily and psychic senses. We might notice what comes, what new viewpoints arise, and allow these to shine a light inside our consciousness.  We might then set our intentions so that our personal needs might find fulfillment while contributing to those of our communities of beings.
While aquarian vision guides us to a better future, I wish to remind all of us that the cultural bias of our times is that rationality trumps the heart. Here is Hellen Keller reminding us that:
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”
Thank you for reading this astro-report. Please note that this is a general description of the upcoming and unfolding planetary weather.  To know more about yourself and the  ‘seasons’ you are experiencing and what is up for renewal in your own life, you are welcome to reach me at for a personal and more accurate astrological reading based on your natal chart, calculated with your time, place and date of birth. Couples readings are also available. 
Consider giving the gift of astrological insight! Gift certificates are available for astrological readings for your  loved ones. I offer 30 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 hour and 45 minutes for individuals, or couple readings. Happy to provide you with personalized gift certificates and answer your questions. Please reach me at
Moon pictures by Gaia
About Gaia:
Gaia Somasca is a professional astrologer in private practice and therapist-in-training with a deep interest in psychological and humanistic astrology.
Her rich background includes extensive astrological studies in astrology in NY and London, Jungian psychology, dreamwork, focusing, mindfulness, eco-psychology, and nature-bonding practices. 
In 2014 she completed the Master Degree in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales, and she has achieved Level 3 certification with NCGR. (National Council for Geocosmic Research)
She offers astrological consultations in person in the Santa Cruz Mountains, or via Skype. With her holistic approach to astrology, she provides guidance inspired by the rich symbolism and wisdom of the sky and nature aimed at self-understanding and personal growth.
Gaia is also a photographer exclusively focused on sharing the beauty of Moonrises and Moonsets.
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