Electra’s Vortex Within the
Immense Cycle of Time
with Electra, Twilight &
Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman
Fri. Dec. 13th * 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Enter the energy of the great cycle of time, across hidden civilizations as we e explore the sacred temples upon the Earth and the alignment with stargates in the sky. Heart of the Sky and Heart of the Earth and the Heart within.
As we discover and strive to understand the importance of the blood of our ancestral lineage as we revere the connection with them.  Move energy through a Crystal Skull Bundle Activation accompanied with the crystal skull clan. Which helps sustain and helps us connect to understand the hidden knowledge, quest and vision within the great circle of time.
We and the crystal skulls will be aligned with the energy of Chumpi Stones to light the way. The Chumpi stones are for reconnection, cleansing, clearing, grounding and protective work. 
To attend you must be a crystal skull guardian and owner of your crystal skull.
If you have Chumpi stone’s your welcome to bring them to help in activation.
Also bring only one of the following small items listed below, but please provide 12 of the same item for the Crystal Skull Bundle Ceremonial. Activation.
The List of items (only choose one and bring 12 of them):
Seed, Bead, small crystal, small feather, glass marble, small pebble, felt balls, cacao bean, seashell, round small bell, pearl bead or glass gems.
Cost: $55
Location: SFR Soul Haven, 56 West 45th Street, Suite 1702
New York, NY 10036  
Btw. 5th and 6th Avenue, Midtown, Manhattan
Limited Space for 12 people 
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Shamanic Fire Reiki Soul Haven  •  56 West 45th Street, Suite 1702  •  NY, New York 10036


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