Astro Forecast
Astral Awareness & Insight by Gaia
Spring Blooms with a Libra Super Full Moon
“Spring has returned.
The Earth is like a child that knows Poems.”
(Rainier Maria Rilke)
“How should Spring bring forth a garden on hard stone?
Become Earth, that you may grow flower of many colors.
For you have been a heart-breaking rock.
Once, for the sake of experiment, be earth!”
(Rumi, I, 1911-2)
In old English, the words “springan” meant to leap, to burst forth, to fly up and spread. As it does still today, it was the time of “rising or springing into existence,” a time of beginning, so that the words “spring of dai” meant  “sunrise," and  “spring of mone” was the "Moonrise”, or the waxing Moon.
Nothing like Springtime, when Sun apparently crosses 0 degree of the sign of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, feels like birth and marks new beginnings, a time filled with outwardly expressing energy.
Likewise the sign of Aries describes a quality of time that feels like the bursting energy that is seen in the natural world awakening after the long sleep of winter. Rushing water streams flowing, green tender leaves, busy bees and singing birds, the natural world around us awakens during this springtime, which speaks enthusiastically “in poems.”
Likewise, Aries embodies that bold, courageous, wild willingness to take action and let the life force takes its course. This fiery sign symbolizes courage, births, leaders and that strength to push outwards forward.
On March 20th, the Sun will be closely conjunct Chiron, both at 0 Aries and face its opposite sign of Libra represented by the scale, the sign that symbolizes relationships,  balance, and justice. Like a bridge builder, Libra seeks to unite through diplomacy and relatedness, bringing harmony and understanding after pondering and evaluating, appreciating all nuances and perspectives. The two signs, whose symbolism is rich and complex, represent complementing opposites,  just like two sides of a coin and symbolize equals partners in a relationship.
But for the first time since 1926 when Chiron was last in Aries, this Full Moon will oppose the Sun and Chiron, which made its final ingress in Aries on February 18th and will be in this sign until April 2027.
Chiron, for the Greeks, was a philosopher and wise teacher, the noblest of the centaurs who was wounded accidentally in his leg by a poisoned arrow shot by his friend Heracles.  Such was the pain that Chiron searched for a cure and in so doing found many ways to heal others but never managed to fully heal himself through his lifetime. He symbolized the wounded-healers, those that know what it feels like to be in pain, and with compassion and patience share their wisdom and gifts as they continuously try to heal their own wounds with others. 
This configuration at this Full Moon is likely to bring to light Chiron-like figures and themes, or what I feel appropriate calling “wounded heroine” or “wounded heroes” that might show us new ways on how to lead courageously and compassionately (Aries+Chiron) keeping in consideration relationships and justice (Libra), hopefully finding inspirations and guidance from their own wounds and hurts.
These themes might show up in the collective, how a feminine perspective (Taurus which disposes of both Sun and Moon) might change the leaders, fighters, activists,  (Aries) of our time? How are women embodying assertion and leadership in ways that show a new type of will power that is more aware of equality and social justice?
On a personal level, self-assertion, negotiating boundaries, standing up for justice and fairness in relationships might be themes arising at this full Moon. It might be worth pondering and reflecting on how do you lead and assert yourself with compassion and relatedness? Whereas Libra likes to build bridges, carefully compromising to keep harmony to the point of avoiding any confrontation, Aries represents action taking with courage but at times with impulsivity and aggression, acting blindly. The presence of Chiron invites to revisit these dynamics so that exchanges and discussion unfolding during this Moon cycle might be greater learning /healing experiences and bring a resolution in the spirit of the wise Chiron that does not let the poison embitters him.
Like Rumi reminds us, where possible, experimenting and imagining being the life-giving soil rather than a rock, might allow for rigid inner edges to shift and soften. Changes that we might experience may vary,  some might notice colorful flowers growing at the rocky edges of your inner garden. Some might just honor one, tiny little precious bud sprouting forward and for some others feeling soft, fertile earth will be a courageous step.   It is wise to acknowledge that we all have different lives and wounds, and we`ll all experience this journey differently as we engage with the active energy of this Full Moon that might shed her soft light in the cracks.
A last note is on Mercury retrograde in Pisces, turning direct conjunct Neptune on March 28th at 16 Pisces, which is assisting us in re-visiting the past. The station of Mercury direct might bring themes back that begun earlier in the month at the first conjunction of Mercury and Neptune on February 19th.
Mercury, which simply put represents communication, messages, short trips and friends, meet with the God of the vast, deep oceans, symbol of the boundary-less dimension where all is one, of dreams, music, poetry, movies, psychic intuition as well as illusions and deceptions. 
This dynamic might have been experienced through forgetfulness, confusion, misunderstandings as well as a time to revisit past creative projects, vivid dreams, synchronicities, and spiritual experiences. The presence of Neptune clouds logic and propels right brain processes and intuition. As with Mercury retrograde cycles, the past might come back and taking time to revisit what re-enters life might help bring resolution and clarifications particularly as the planet turns direct on 3/28 and moves past the retrograde point all through April 18th.
Learning and improving our capacity to communicate and how to assert oneself mind-heartfully without blaming others, such as in non-violent communication, might be a helpful tool for dealing with the energy of this Full Moon.
If you are born with planets or points at between 28 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces and (especially) 3 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, you might experience more intensely this Full moon energy.
Please keep in consideration that this is a general description of the upcoming and unfolding planetary weather at this time.
 As a side note, I wish to share that I have been taking a break from writing this astrological column as I grieved the loss of my father and other family members returning to the Infinite.  I felt the need to retreat and withdraw, allowing myself some needed time to grief and rest. As I reflected on need to honor my commitments, I felt that the show does not have to go on in the face of losses. Honoring death eventually makes life vibrant as "sorrow is a sustained note in the song of being alive." (Frances Weller, The Wild Edge of Sorrow)
Coincidentally and somehow appropriately, I return to share my thoughts on astrology as the life force returns at this springtime, with gratitude to Irma for her support and for giving me the opportunity to share this with all of you.
This is a general description of the upcoming and unfolding planetary weather.  To know more about yourself, which ‘season’ you are in and explore your own personal planetary weather, please reach me at for a personal astrological reading of your natal chart, calculated based on your time, place and date of birth or for couples readings. 

You may also give the gift of self-awareness to friends and family so that they can begin the new year with greater clarity and direction.  Reach out to for gift certificates.
About Gaia:
Gaia Somasca is a professional astrologer in private practice and therapist-in-training with a deep interest in psychological and humanistic astrology.
Her rich background includes extensive astrological studies in astrology in NY and London, Jungian psychology, dreamwork, focusing, mindfulness, eco-psychology, and nature-bonding practices. 
In 2014 she completed the Master Degree in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales, and she has achieved Level 3 certification with NCGR. (National Council for Geocosmic Research)
She offers astrological consultations in person in the Santa Cruz Mountains, or via Skype. With her holistic approach to astrology, she provides guidance inspired by the rich symbolism and wisdom of the sky and nature aimed at self-understanding and personal growth.
Gaia is also a photographer exclusively focused on sharing the beauty of Moonrises and Moonsets.
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