Angelic Anointments for Opening the Sacred Heart
& Honoring the Daughters
with Maya Minwah
Thurs May 9th * 7 pm - 9 pm
In this sacred circle we call upon 4 Angelic Anointments – Michael, Haniel, Ariel & Chamuel – to assist us in amplifying our energy and opening the Sacred Heart & Seat of the Soul - Thymus Center. In anointing ourselves and each other, we will focus on aligning specific chakra centers to prepare the way for opening/reawakening the Sacred Heart.
Angelics Aspects & Chakra Centers
MICHAEL – Archangel of Protection/Free Will & Sword of Discernment - Solar-Plexus & Throat
HANIEL– Angel of Wisdom & Compassion – Third Eye & Sacral
ARIEL – Angel of Earth & Nature – Crown & Root
CHAMUEL, Angel of Divine Love – Thymus Center/Sacred Heart
Journey for Honoring the Daughters
In this time of honoring the Mother – our Circle will conclude with a special journey to honor the Daughters we are – releasing any wounds of the past (with with the help of our open Sacred Heart !)– that we may awaken our highest aspects as Mothers & Daughters in service of Earth & Sky. With Quan Yin & Oil of Magdalene anointments.
Each participant will receive a 4 ml sampler of Chamuel to take home.
Please wear loose comfortable clothing and a bright color scarf 
Daughter is one of the most ancient words in written language. Its root, is from Sanskrit, duiter, to milk. The word existed before paternity was acknowledged, when the Goddess was the vessel incarnate from God. Perhaps...the yearning of the daughter is the yearning to be whole again, to be the milk and the vessel, hold and be held.” - MayaMy Father’s Window
Several additional Angelic oils and other Mayasblends will be available to purchase. (To order in advance, please contact

Location: SFR Soul Haven
56 West 45th St. Suite 1703
Midtown, Manhattan
Please arrive Early, Lobby Door opens at 6:45 - 7:00 afterwards Lobby door will be closed.
Cost: $50
To Register: email
About Maya:
Maya Minwah is the creator of Mayasblends Aromatherapy for Awakening, inspired by her passion for working with the vital energy of plants and trees. 
She is certified in aromatherapy, and a practitioner of shamanic aromatherapy energy healing for over 20 years. A poet and mystic, she has traveled on sacred journeys to Bimini, the Yucatan, Northwest & Southwest US, and Peru, and currently lives in Northeast PA, where she offers consultations, sessions and sacred circles. Contact:
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Shamanic Fire Reiki Soul Haven  •  56 West 45th Street, Suite 1703  •  NY, New York 10036

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