Astro Forecast
Astral Awareness & Insight by Gaia
Full Moon, Dec. 22nd
 “A house is made of bricks and beams. A home is made of hopes and dreams.”
‘Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.’   Gary Snyder
“With you I am home”, we say or “I feel so at home” we may utter to someone dear to us or to our family of origins and or family of choice. Or we may just feel this inside our bodies and ourselves. Or again, we may just remember that ultimate and most valuable home is our planet floating in an infinite universe.
Feeling at home it`s that comforting sense of being protected and safe, nourished on a deep emotional and physical level that is symbolized by Cancer where the Full Moon will be on December 22nd, shining brightly while facing the Sun in Capricorn, both a 0 degrees, the World Axis.
Dear to the Goddess Hera, the crab symbol of Cancer, lives in a shell-home that he/she carries around and protects him/her while living in the liminal place where the ever-moving ocean water meet the land and solid rocks. Security, safety and protection are dear to cancer whose vulnerable, soft core could not survive the mighty forces of the ocean waters.
Ruled by the Moon, Cancer represents the quest for a safe nest to go back to, a family to belong as well as the mother archetype, the nourishing figure that feeds us and takes care of those most vulnerable times in our lives.
This full Moon constellates the tension between the opposite Cancer and Capricorn, signs ruled by the archetypal father Saturn, currently transiting in its own sign of Capricorn.
The Moon wines and wanes, shifts shapes and light everyday, rises and sets at a different times, expressing the mutability of our emotions that like the waves carry forward from the depths joys,
sorry, sadness and hope, intimacy and connection. Saturn is the architect of the zodiac, the timekeeper, builder of structures and rules, authoritarian principle and wise teacher, or tyrant and repressive.
As these are constellated at this full Moon, you may wonder what a safe home means to you? 
What and who make you feel at home?
Perhaps is the yearning to have a safe home to return to, a nest that protects you from the storms of life, perhaps you`ll feel inspired to renovate or relocate.
Home is family, and you may appreciate those we whom you share a deep emotional connection, those that you call you tribe. Maybe is your family of origins, your new family, a place in the woods, or a family of choice or your community that you belong to. The tide of the Full Moon will bring forward the yearning for emotional connection and possibly correspond with the awareness of those that awaits you with open arms and heart, where you can feel safe just as the crab feels in his shell.
Different species have different homes, some are happy with a place to sleep. Others are real architects like beavers that are known to build lodges and canals on the sides of rives. Hermit crabs instead leaves their old shells behind, and exchange with the shell left behind by a bigger crab.  Other types of crabs create their shell anew and discard the old behind.   Our species builds different types of homes, mansions, skyscrapers, tiny houses, portable houses, tents, every culture with different traditions and meanings. But as 2018 has been a year of awful fires, floods, eruptions, and devastations, the quest for home calls for reflecting and taking action to protect the safety of our planet, which is, as Gary Snyder puts it our home.
The Full Moon and the upcoming eclipse cycle in Capricorn / Cancer  might constellate the need to rethink  what is home, and reflect on how far are we going to destroy our  home-planet? How are making our house safe and our larger-home unsafe?
For the Earth is the rock we all stand on and it  is the heart and home of our specie along with many others, before any other man-made house we might live in.
Full moon ritual:
A full moon ritual requires honoring the Moon and Cancer and what they may mean for you.  With great kindness, compassion, and patience towards your whole self and all the parts that live inside you, you may bring awareness to those places, people, friends, lovers,  experiences, or beings that always feel like a warm nest to go back to or that wait for you with open arms and hug you with a warm embrace.
You may take time to visualize all that feels nourishing and perhaps come to terms with what you yearn and ache for. As this explorations will continue through 2019 and 2020 (as the signs are highlighted by the eclipses and transits), you may want to find or create an  object, a picture, a sculpture, a drawing or find something  in nature to symbolize your awareness under the light of the full Moon.
And with great kindness, you may find the time to notice what is missing and what your inner crab is seeking to feel safe and secure.
As we are at the end of the year, and this full Moon highlight Saturn ingress in Capricorn last December and its path (More below) you may kindly sense in all that your have build this year and all that you might have let go of. Harvesting the fruit of the labor and choices that begun at that time very well relates to the ancient celebration known as Saturnalia, around the end of the year.
For those of you that have planets or points within the first 10 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra, the harvest might be particularly significant.
You might, by now, be aware of some significant changes in the overall structure of your life as Saturn is now at 10 degrees of Capricorn and is moving away from the first decan since its ingress in December 2017.
As the task master and representative of that voice that asks “what are you doing with your time on earth?” Saturn`s 7 years cycles often marks a time of growth as the realization that our time is limited presses us for  shifts through  commitments to  ourselves or others. The intensity, pressure and occasional darkness might have begun to shift leaving way to new paths whereas those with planets and points between 10 and 24 of such signs will begin to experience it more intensely as we move in 2019 also because of the  presence of Pluto.
Since the new moon of December 6th, you may also take some time to assess your intentions and what has come to light, taking time  to make whatever changes might be needed before the energy winds down close to the end of the year with the new moon eclipse approaching on January 6th.
As the Moon sextile Uranus, planets representing revolutions and change, ideas out of the boxes and unexpected opportunities may constellate,  assisting you in pursuing your intentions.
To all of you I wish nourishing holidays and a soothing solstice in honor of our beautiful and fragile planet we call Home.
About Gaia:
Gaia Somasca is a professional astrologer in private practice and therapist-in-training with a deep interest in psychological and humanistic astrology.
Her rich background includes extensive astrological studies in astrology in NY and London, Jungian psychology, dreamwork, focusing, mindfulness, eco-psychology, and nature-bonding practices. 
In 2014 she completed the Master Degree in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales, and she has achieved Level 3 certification with NCGR. (National Council for Geocosmic Research)
She offers astrological consultations in person in the Santa Cruz Mountains, or via Skype. With her holistic approach to astrology, she provides guidance inspired by the rich symbolism and wisdom of the sky and nature aimed at self-understanding and personal growth.
Gaia is also a photographer exclusively focused on sharing the beauty of Moonrises and Moonsets.
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