Astro Forecast
Astral Awareness & Insight by Gaia
Astral Weather for  December 1st - 15th, 2018
“Aim for the moon.  Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” (Norman Vincent Peale)
“Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
December begins with a bold and daring new Moon in Sagittarius on the 6th disposed by Jupiter, king of the gods, giver of luck and opportunities in Sag as well, sign of his domicile where he has returned after 12 years.  The New Moon squares a closely tight Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces infusing this cycle with a larger than life wind of inspiration and yearning for otherworldly, divine experiences.
Just like the archer (Sagittarius) points the bow and shoot the arrow (Sagitta), so this fire sign symbolizes the yearning to seek, to know and to discover. Looking deeper at the Latin word Sagire, we also discover that it originates “sagacious”, evoking someone who is knowledgeable and well-learned. Lover of travels and foreign cultures, philosophies, religions, and sciences, Sag invites us to find a destination and go for a journey of discovery, with the thirst of the explorer for a new found land.
Sag encourages to dare, to venture out of the beaten path, made so narrow by outworn structures, by old fears and shame. It seeks experiences that expand our horizons and perspectives and make us grow in confidence, leaving us with that sense of optimism…that if all fails, we tried and something better will come around.
At the same time, Mars and Neptune in Pisces pull towards otherworldly visions, and might infuse this new Moon with revelations and dreams. In the elusive world of Pisces,  you may find yourself pulled towards different destinations.  In the turmoil of opportunities and dreams, of daring and with-holding, you may begin with trusting your imagination to lead you towards exploring how things could be.
While daring and exploring, just be mindful of Sag tendency to feel it knows the only truth. An attitude of compassion and openness towards ourselves and others, especially towards those we find hard to relate, helps keeping the flame of knowledge burning safely and contained.
To harness the energy of the new Moon, you may just take some time around December 4th or 5th, while the Moon is dark, to release the past, rest and set your intentions.
Perhaps you may gather your self in meditation, finding a moment of peace and allow your inner planets to speak to you, sharing their joys, hopes, fears, sorrow, needs while welcoming them all with open arms.
As you review perhaps your last month intentions, make space for what you want to let go of, what feels outworn, and take sometime to write it while honoring whatever has been. Then you may burn the paper if you wish so that the ashes of the past may have their place to rest, as more inner space has opened up for “what is” and the “yet to come.
As you go on, just allow your imagination to carry you forward… imagine taking a leap of faith… a jump in the unknown…ask yourself, where would I dare to go if I knew it would be ok?  How would I dare to be? What would I dare allow my self saying?
Envision a direction to follow as if you were pointing your bow and releasing your arrow towards your place of choice.
Fire, the element Sag belongs to, is hot, bright and self-expressive… you may visualize your inner fire and imagine, what ignites that flame? What seek to be spoken, shared and shown to the world? What rekindles your inner flame?
As you set your intentions, imagine holding a precious stone with many different facets. You might have to turn it around many times to appreciate each one and truly grasp all the shades and textures. Likewise, hold you intention/s with the same care, and take the time to visualize the step of the journey.
 Perhaps it`s really a trip you had wish for long, or it`s an experience, it`s a project waiting to be shown…
Whatever it might be, this new Moon calls for going for the journey and taking the risks, for as Kierkegaard reminds us
“To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself.”
This is a general description of the upcoming and unfolding planetary weather. 

To know more about yourself, which ‘season’ you are in and explore your own personal planetary weather, please reach me at for a personal astrological reading of your natal chart, calculated based on your time, place and date of birth or for couples readings. Gift certificates are also available.
About Gaia:
Gaia Somasca is a professional astrologer in private practice and therapist-in-training with a deep interest in psychological and humanistic astrology.
Her rich background includes extensive astrological studies in astrology in NY and London, Jungian psychology, dreamwork, focusing, mindfulness, eco-psychology, and nature-bonding practices. 
In 2014 she completed the Master Degree in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales, and she has achieved Level 3 certification with NCGR. (National Council for Geocosmic Research)
She offers astrological consultations in person in the Santa Cruz Mountains, or via Skype. With her holistic approach to astrology, she provides guidance inspired by the rich symbolism and wisdom of the sky and nature aimed at self-understanding and personal growth.
Gaia is also a photographer exclusively focused on sharing the beauty of Moonrises and Moonsets.
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