Changing Our Relationship with Abundance & Money
with Nuria Martinez
Wed. Oct. 3rd * 7 pm - 9:30 pm
Cost: $25
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Location: SFR Soul Haven, 56 West 45th St., Suite 1703
Midtown, Manhattan
SFR is proudly presents
 Nuria Martinez a Healer from Mexico.
Did you know that the importance of manifesting money and abundance is all about relationship with energy that taps into the Universe's vibration to welcome cash into your life.
What do you need today to allow prosperity into your life?
You CAN create your own reality starting now.
What is your definition of money, abundance, and prosperity?
What have your parents taught you about money?
Did you know that anger among many other emotions can disconnect you from the energy of money?
Explore within this workshop:
  • How to rewrite your book of fate and redesign your universal blueprints.
  • You will observe your behavioral patterns that you have learned from your parents, from the collective or Society.
  • Connect with the unconditional love, creativity, the laws of attractions, and imagination.
Welcoming the shift and connection directly with the intervention of source/creator and creating the channels that best work for you integrating it with the subconscious mind and soul awareness.
Nuria, will focus on allowing you to free yourself from old patterns that prevent you from a pure flow of abundance in life. As we create a new connection with the energy of cash. Allow yourself to manifest  abundance and prosperity in this physical plane of existence.
You will discover that it is easy and safe for you to free yourself of old patterns and focus on pure intention to co-create the desires of your Heart.
As the evening ends there will be a ThetaHealing meditation to help you focus and manifest abundance. After the meditation the mind and memory become clearer and manifestation is easily accessed. Creativity and imagination can bloom completely unobstructed. Changing your old habits and rewiring a new point of view forwards a better future.
About Nuria Martinez:

Nuria Martínez was born in Tehuacán, Puebla, Mexico.
She has been sharing her experiences with beautiful humans for 6 years; this has allowed her to release beliefs and patterns within herself and in others to create a different life.
Nuria is certified in the different techniques that have helped others develop personal and work growth. She has studied and ThetaHealing, Access bars, Therapeutic Tarot, Laughter Yoga & Aromatherapy.
ThetaHealing became a part of her life. Nuria became certified in all the courses that enabled her to decode everything that kept her from feeling happy, free and full. Over time, the process of ThetaHealing, helped her overcome the fear and fight the disease of cancer.
Nuria del Rocío Martínez calva 
Líder en Yoga de la risa
Terapeuta Thetahealer y acces bars
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