Tattwa Intuitive Reading
with Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman
August 30 * 7pm - 9pm
Tattva or Tattwa is a Sanskrit word meaning 'thatness', 'principle', 'reality' or 'truth'. According to various Indian philosophies tattva (or tattwa) is an element or aspect of reality. The tattwa's are primal energies that underlie the five elements of Hindu philosophy -- akasha (spirit), tejas (fire), apas (water), vayu (air) and prithivi (earth).
Each of the five has a specific symbol/glyph used for visual and identification purposes.
Within these five states of change (or "elements") each are divided into the universe as five basic shapes: the oval, circle, triangle, crescent and square. As these elements are  also found in Chinese Medicine and Shamanism.
The use of these glyphs imprints the images within the mind, and once imprinted the levels of consciousness are also uploaded with memory of these symbols. This allows for greater and deeper connection at all levels of being.
We will explore the depths of the Tattwa system by using journey into the messages received. Learn their meanings and related symbols, understanding their own light language and symbology. Exchange a reading at the end of the workshop with one another.
To Register email: shamanicfirereiki@gmail.com
Cost: $55
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Shamanicfirereiki  •  P.O. Box 701354  •  East Elmhurst, NY 11370


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