presents a special program
Shamanic Solstice Event
with Irma StarSpirit Woman
Wednesday, June 21
7:45 - 9:30 pm

The Summer Solstice on June 21 marks the longest day and shortest night of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, our Sun is at its maximum strength as the tilt of the Earth's axis is most inclined toward the Sun. It is a time of honoring the light within and without, and for celebrating our connection to the Sun and the Earth. 

Please join us for a very special SUMMER SOLSTICE SHAMANIC DRUM CELEBRATION with Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman. Irma is a Medicine Woman honoring the ways of the curanderas and medicine elders from her Maya & Taino ancestral lineage. She is a Shamanic, Crystal & Reiki Teacher, Sound Healer, Toltec Dreamweaver and ordained minister.
The Drum and other shamanic instruments are used by medicine people around the world to create a vibration of well-being. Sound vibration is a very powerful tool to help recalibrate the body, mind and spirit, and bring one back into a state of resonance and good health.

In this special celebration we tune into the Sun's frequency to align us to this day and its energy. Close your eyes, relax and enjoy a vibrational sound, and journey into your inner light that needs to illuminate all within the planet at this moment.

This event is free to current members and their guests (donations welcome). 
More information [HERE] 

nanlaoshu  22 East 21st Street | New York, NY | 10010 | 212-353-2585 |
Limited Space Register now!
For those in the shamanic community bring your drums and rattles and come out an play, as we call in the energy of the fire of the sun.
Hope to see you there.
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Shamanicfirereiki  •  P.O. Box 701354  •  East Elmhurst, NY 11370

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