About Evan Worldwind
Evan Worldwind is a certified Neurolinguistic Design Engineer, a Hypnosis Therapist, a student of the TAOIST philosophy, a practitioner of the Classical Yang Style Family Tai Chi Chuan, and a musician, performer, and teacher of the mystical didjeridoo.
His journey into the healing arts began with a quest to heal himself naturally after years of track and field injuries and emotional imbalance.
Evan love for the gatekeepers of the didgeridoo comes through when he plays. The Devine nature of this healing instrument opened doors for him as a musician and literally gave him a voice on stage. His style of playing won him the admiration of his audience, and soon people began to share their healing experiences with him. He performed at several known festivals such as 'Sirius Rising' (Brushwood), 'The Woodstock Fruit Festival',... and collaborate with other musicians. Evan is the founder of 'Artist Dream Family'. He and his partner are the facilitators of a monthly 'Transformational Cosmic Sound Meditation called - YOUR LIFE - YOUR REALITY - YOUR DESIGN' in New York City. A combination of Neurolinguistic, Temple Exercise, and Sound Vibration.
His journey into the healing arts brings a lot of joy in his life. He believes that if you want to help people heal, you must first start the process within yourself, knowing that there is no better time to start than NOW.
To reach Brother Evan email evanworldwind@gmail.com

Shamanicfirereiki  •  P.O. Box 701354  •  East Elmhurst, NY 11370


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