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What do YOU want to say?
Engaging with Joy for Empowerment and Well-Being
Divine Heart Painting, VIDEO and info
Warmly I say hello to you all, 
You should have received your print of the painting by now, and thank you to all who have sent their thanks and beautiful comments!
I made a video of the painting so you can see it up close. You can view that here:
There were 12 heart art contributors to this piece, including myself. You joined in from the Netherlands and across the USA: California, Indiana, Kansas, New Mexico, New Jersey, Missouri, Colorado and Minnesota.
You consisted of women and a couple of soulful young men. You are profound energy healers, artists, bodyworkers, plant spirit medicine women, earth guardians  and bright lights in this world. For more info on who was in this circle, scroll down.
Here is a link to a digital file you may download. This file may also be used on Facebook, other social media, for a Valentine's message, as a desktop image or screensaver.
If you would like additional prints, or if you didn't contribute heart art and would like a print, I'm offering you a special price through March. You can order: 
*7x7 inch prints for $12 each (unmatted)
*7x7 inch matted prints (matted size is 12x12) for $20
*Larger sized artist embellished prints on canvas are also available, starting at discount price of $200 for a 16x16.
*For next year's Valentine's Day I might have some printed getting cards available.
*A small portion of profits from this special sale will be shared with the heart art contributors. 
I'm also offering you a special price on the original 30x30 inch painting before I post it for sale to the general public. Your price is $1150 and includes shipping within the USA. And remember, if the painting sells, a small portion will be distributed to the 11 contributors.
Let me know by this Friday FEB 12th if you are interested in the original and we can discuss a payment plan and delivery date!
Heart Art Contributors (If you'd like a website or more info added to your name for future listings, please send me an email with that info.)
*Elvira Fernandez
*Mark Morillo
*Barbara Otis-Kahn
*Mireille Schiffelers
*Sandy Fox-
*Deb Holt-
*Joan Clark-
*Devin Otis-Kahn
*Terre Wood-
*Gwyn Malloy
Love and Blessings,
Previous Message in case you missed it:
Hi Everyone!
If you sent heart art: Your original art and print of the completed painting is in the mail on it's way to you! Please honor your prayers and your original art as a sacred reaction creation from your heart and soul. Perhaps you might even frame your originals in the same frame or alongside the print.
If you participated by sending a heart prayer only: You will receive a digital copy of the piece within the week, so watch for this in your inbox.
If you have forgotten what you Heart Wish-Prayer was: Feel free to contact me. I do have a list of those. ♡
For all: You can go here to review some of the guidance and messages that came through during the creation of the piece:
Once everyone has received their print, I will be posting a video of the painting so you can see it up close. It was difficult to photograph, and though the prints came out beautifully, I want you to be able to see the details, colors and your own art pieces up close.
Love, gratitude and blessings,
Beth Budesheim • PO Box 215 • Tesuque, NM 87574
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