with Irma Caceres, Dee Savoy & Lubaina Choudhury
Sunday, June 28 * 4 - 8 :30 pm
Location: At the Sea Brighton Beach Area
Cost:: $150

To Register: email 
The Spirit Canoe gathering is a way for the community to come together and visit with the Ancestors by linking the body, water, Earth and the Cosmos together.  It as an important ritual which allows us to weave the threads of life together and empower the creative web of life.  As we enter ritual as part of community ceremony as to being present, and known as well as recognized by the Great Creator. We as medicine women facilitate and hold this ceremony to call in the Great Spirit energy and other allies to assist those that are ill or lost and are in need to recover some of their life’s path or power through journey work within the Spirit Canoe.  
Throughout the day we will journey with elementals, power animals working with sacred fire to burn off heavy energy that we carry, to help to transform and release also working with the sacred waters of the ocean as we connect with the primordial waters it is in the depths where the currents are the strongest, where our most ancient secrets, selves and creative forces reside to prepare us for the final phase in the Spirit Canoe. 
The Spirit Canoe is a metaphor and is seen as a living entity, it has a Spirit and personality of its own, including its name. The medicine women acting as the huntress of the souls are able to hold space for their community to find and recover their living life force energy and bring it back to them. The healing voyage is taken to aid the people to communicate with their loved ones to remind them they are still loved honored and remembered. As individuals and as a community, we find healing through this journey.

Please wear blue and/or white and bring a journal and pen to record your journeys. A special altar will be made out of offerings you bring to be bought to the Sea later on in the year. Please bring something with heartfelt meaning to offer.

Irma Caceres

Irma known as StarSpirit Woman is a Medicine Woman honoring the ways of the Mayan curanderas and medicine elders, a Shamanic & Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Crystal Healer, Toltec Dreamworker, an Ordained Minister in the Order of Melchizedek, Co-Founder of the New York Shamanic Healing Circle, and core member of the NY Shamanic Circle for 17 years. StarSpirit Woman uses sound healing, fire candle readings, crystals, and works with the "poderios", the elemental forces we need to keep an open channel of communication. Her style is accompanied by prayer work and traditional indigenous ceremonies to heal her community with heart.  Visit her web-site at
Dee Savoy
Dee Savoy comes from a powerful lineage of seers, healers, root women and mediums. She has always been both a strong dreamer and an adept interpreter of dreams. As a coach, Dee helps her clients tap into their own intuition and the guidance they receive from their helper spirits to awaken their true Goddess nature. As an intuitive healer, Dee uses her knowledge of Reiki, mediumship, aromatherapy, sound healing, Shamanism and dreamwork to provide individualized healing experiences for her clients. In all things, Dee facilitates, but Spirit guides. Her website is
Lubaina Choudhury
Lubaina Choudhury is a Vibrational Healing Practitioner who uses Reiki, ThetaHealing, Dreamwork, Shamanism, Astrology and Sound Healing to facilitate Energy healings in groups and one on one sessions.The purpose of her work is to empower you with tools which you can use to transform and heal your own life thereby connecting to the healer within yourself and learning to live from the deep wisdom in your heart. Reach her at
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Shamanicfirereiki  •  P.O. Box 701354  •  East Elmhurst, NY 11370
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